It's actually quite easy to run the 6809 Taito games from a PC's Power Supply. These Taito games (Zookeeper, Qix, Kram, Electric Yo-Yo and Space Dungeon) require a reset circuit (MRST) to boot the game at power on. This circuit is actually designed to reset the game in case the power drops below a certain voltage. PC power supplies not only provide all the voltage the games want (+5, -5, +12, -12), but have what's called a "Power Good" wire, which behaves in exactly the same way as the game's original reset circuit. I urge you to try to keep the original harness intact in case you ever want to go back to the original supply or you want to sell the game to someone who does. The connectors used for the power harness are common and the crimp tool to build an adapter that will plug into the original harness is fairly cheap too. Here's the pinouts for a PC power supply: Pin Function Wire color 1. Power Good * Orange 2. +5Vdc Red 3. +12Vdc Yellow 4. -12Vdc Blue 5. Ground Black 6. Ground Black 7. Ground Black 8. Ground Black 9. -5Vdc White 10. +5Vdc Red 11. +5Vdc Red 12. +5Vdc Red The color info is a reference. There is no strict standard for colors so the actual colors used for your supply might be different ! Here's the pinouts of the original power connectors: Connector "J3" ============== 01/02|RED|+5V 03/05/07/11|BLK|Gnd. 04|BRN|-5V 06|YEL|+12V 08|ORG|-12V 09| |n/c 10|BLU|+12V 12|GRN|+12V 13| |n/c 14|WHT|MRST Connector "J4" ============== 01/02|RED|+5V 03/05/07/11|BLK|Gnd. 04|BRN|-5V 06|YEL|+12V 08| |n/c 09| |n/c 10| |n/c 12| |n/c 13| |n/c 14|WHT|MRST MRST is the reset circuit. Questions and comments can be directed to me at: